Data should only be collected and processed when absolutely necessary.

We hate spam as much as you do!

We never sell, rent or distribute in any other way or disclose your personal information.



This site collects and uses personal information for the following reasons:


Traffic monitoring

Like most websites, this one uses Google Analytics (GA) to track user interaction. We use this data to determine the number of people who use our site, to better understand how they find and use our online store and to see their journey through the site.


Although GA records data such as your geographical location, device, web browser and operating system, none of this information personally identifies you. GA also records your computer’s IP address, which could be used for your personal identification, but Google does not give us access to it. We believe that Google is performing the editing.


GA uses cookies, details of which can be found in the Google Developer Guides. Our site uses GA’s analytics.js application.


Disabling cookies in the internet browser will prevent GA from tracking any part of your visit to pages of this website.


Our online store

If you choose to place product orders through our online store, the name and e-mail address as well as all other information you enter during your registration will be stored in the database of this site along with the IP address of your computer and the time and date you placed the order. This information is used only when sending the products of your order and is not passed on to any of the processors described in detail below.


Our blog

If you choose to add a comment to any of the posts we have posted on our blog, the name and email address you enter with your comment will be stored in this site’s database along with your computer’s IP address and time and date you submitted the comment. This information is used only to identify you as contributors to the comments section of the respective blog post and is not passed on to any of the editors described in detail below. Only your name will appear on the site that the public sees.


Your comment and related personal information will remain on this site until 1.) you remove the comment or 2.) we remove the blog post. If you would like your comment and related personal information to be deleted, please contact us here using the email address you provided.


If you are under 16, you MUST obtain parental consent before posting a comment on our blog.


NOTE: You should avoid entering personal information in the comment field that you post on this site.


Contact forms and email links

If you choose to contact us using the contact form on the “Contact” page or an email link like this, none of the data you provide will be stored on this site or transferred / processed / processed by any executor the treatment as defined in section 6.0. Instead, the data will be entered into an e-mail and sent to us via the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). SMTP servers are protected by TLS (sometimes known as SSL), which means that e-mail content is encrypted using 256-bit SHA-2 encryption before being sent over the Internet. Email content is decrypted by local computers and devices. In addition, our e-mail platform is hosted by Microsoft using Office 365, which is fully compatible with GDPR.


Electronic newsletter

If you choose to subscribe to our newsletter, the email address you provide will be forwarded to MailChimp, which provides us with email marketing services. We consider everything what MailChimp is performing the editing (see Section 6.0 below). The email address you submit will not be stored in the website database itself or in any of the internal computer systems.

Your email address will remain in the MailChimp Database as long as we continue to use MailChimp’s email marketing services or until you explicitly request removal from the list. You can do this by using the unsubscribe links contained in any of the email newsletters we send you, as well as any newsletters you receive from us.


If you are under 16 years of age, you MUST obtain parental consent before signing up for our email newsletter.


While your email address remains in the MailChimp database, you will receive periodic (approximately once a month) email updates from us.



As detailed in the previous section, if you post a comment on a blog post posted on this site, some personal information will be stored in this site’s database. Also, if you decide to buy one of the products that are in our e-shop, you will need to create a user account. This data is currently stored in an identifiable manner. a limitation of the content management system on which this site is based (Opencart).


In case you do not buy products from us at regular intervals, we will delete your account after 2 years from your last purchase. In any case, you can re-create an account during your next purchase and during the checkout process.




Through the “GDPR Tools” section of our website, individuals have the following rights to the data we collect:

Right to data correction

To update your account information, use the links below.

My Account

You can edit your name, email and phone number as well as your addresses. You can also change your password or subscribe to newsletters.

Right of access to personal data

Right to Delete Data



All traffic (file transfer) between this site and your browser is encrypted via HTTPS.



We use a number of third parties to process personal data on our behalf. These third parties have been carefully selected and all comply with the legislation set out in Section 2.0. All 3 of these third parties are US based and comply with EU-US Privacy Policy.

Google (Privacy Policy)

Mailchimp (Privacy Policy)

Microsoft (privacy policy)



We will report any illegal data breach on this site within 72 hours of the breach if it is obvious that the personal data stored in an identifiable format has been stolen.




This privacy policy may change from time to time depending on legislation or industry developments. We will not explicitly notify our customers or users of the site of these changes. Instead, we encourage you to periodically check this page for any policy changes.



These terms and conditions are governed by the provisions of Greek Law, the Directives and Regulations of European Law and the relevant International provisions, as applicable and interpreted in accordance with the rules of good faith, transactional ethics and its economic and social purpose. right. The invalidity of a specific term herein does not affect the validity of the other terms, although it automatically ceases to be valid.


Any omission of the exercise of a specific right or condition by E. Kouros – L. Berthiot O.E. arising from this does not constitute a waiver thereof.


Competent courts for the resolution of any dispute arising from here are designated the Courts of Corinth.


Along with our company’s business and internal IT systems, this website is designed to comply with the following national and international data protection and privacy laws:


EU Directive on the protection of d 1995 data (DPD)

EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018

United Kingdom Data Protection Act 1988 (DPA)



Our website uses cookies. A cookie is a file that contains an identifier (a series of letters and numbers) that is sent through a server and stored in the browser. The ID is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. Cookies can be either “permanent” or “login” cookies: a persistent cookie is stored in a browser and remains valid until its expiration date, unless deleted earlier by the user, a login cookie on the other hand will expire at the end of the user’s login when the browser is closed. Cookies usually do not contain information that can identify the user but your personal data we hold may be linked to data stored or retrieved by cookies. We use login cookies permanently on our website.


The names of the cookies that we use on our website and the purpose of their use are defined below:

We use Google Analytics and Adwords to identify a computer when a user {INCLUDES ALL USE OF COOKIES ON YOUR WEBSITE visits our site / locate users while browsing the site / allow improve the functionality of the site / analyze the use of the site / manage the site / protect yourself from fraud and improve the protection of the site / personalize the site for each user / target ads that may be of interest to specific users.


Blocking all cookies will have a negative effect on the functionality of many websites. If you block cookies, you will not be able to use all the functions of your website.


You can delete cookies already stored on your computer — for example:

Deleting all cookies will have a negative effect on the functionality of many websites.